PEMF Or "Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies" Heals And Recharges Your Body At The Cellular Level Which Optimizes All Of Your Major Bodily Functions And Systems

Center for
Natural Healing
PEMF Therapy Facts
There are different forms of PEMF therapy. It can be of different frequencies, different intensities, and a different duration.
While all of these forms are beneficial, not all of them are equally beneficial for everyone, or for all health conditions.
Here are several rules of thumb for what we know so far about best PEMF therapy practices:
Low frequencies are ideal. While some PEMF devices can put out very high frequencies of electromagnetic pulses, these are not necessary for our cells. What is more, high frequencies can be harmful. All living beings are part of nature, so we should act in accordance with this fact. We know that the earth resonates at very low frequencies, between 0-30 Hz, so these are typically the most beneficial frequencies to help our cells regenerate and grow.
Circadian rhythm is important. As mentioned, we are part of nature, and nature has its own circadian rhythm. The Earth’s frequencies are higher in the morning and lower at night. Therefore, we should use low frequencies before sleep and high frequencies when we wake up for best results. This will allow us to have better quality sleep and wake up more easily in the morning.
Our cells are very sensitive to electromagnetic fields. When it comes to PEMF, more is definitely not better. Our cells are very good at picking up electromagnetic fields, and they are responsive to even the lowest amounts. Therefore, frequencies and intensities that are too high will not do good to our cells in most cases, but quite the opposite.
The perfect frequency, intensity, or device does not exist. All living beings are different, and their health conditions and needs differ, as well. Therefore, we cannot say that there is a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to PEMF. Some people and animals respond better to low frequency, and others to high. Therefore, we should be careful when choosing the ideal machine for ourselves and our needs.
PEMF Therapy and Glaucoma
As with any other disease, when we’re talking about PEMF therapy, the best treatment results can be achieved if the treatment is begun early.
In such cases, the success of the treatment is high, and PEMF therapy can control the symptoms and the progression of glaucoma.
The optic nerve is located deep behind the eye, and this is where the damage occurs.
This damage is caused by the pressure in the blood vessels, and PEMF can successfully address this problem. PEMF has been proven to dilate blood vessels, which can, in turn, reduce the pressure in them and that that they exert on the optic nerve.
Numerous studies have been completed so far to prove the effectiveness of PEMF in the treatment of glaucoma. Most of these studies have been done in Eastern Europe, and they are easily-accessible online.
PEMF and Glaucoma Scientifically-Based Evidence
A study was conducted in Russia in 1990 to examine the effects of PEMF on ocular hydrodynamics in acute open-angle glaucoma.
The study was conducted by Tsisel’skiÄ IuV, and was published in the Russian Ophthalmology Journal. (1)
The device and the method used to inspect the influence of PEMF on open-angle glaucoma in this study was suggested by the Filatov Institute.
The settings of the device were:
Frequency: 50 Hz
Amplitude: 8-8.5 mT
Duration of the session: 7 minutes
Pulse type: Rectangular
The rate of magnetic induction rise: 2/10(-4) mT/sec.
The rate of pulse rise: 4/10(-4) sec.
The patients received 7 10-minute sessions in total. More than 150 patients participated in the study, and 283 eyes were examined in all. All patients had initial, latent, or advanced forms of glaucoma. The study showed that PEMF therapy did influence the hydrodynamics of the eye in patients with open-angle glaucoma.
PEMF successfully increased aqueous production and flow, and reduced Becker’s coefficient. At the latent stages of the illness, the normalization of outflow was observed in 25% of cases.
At the initial and advanced stages, this effect was observed in 17.8% and in 16% of cases, respectively.
Thus, the scientist in charge of the study decided that it is possible to recommend PEMF therapy as a form of complex therapy for open-angle glaucoma.
Another very popular Russian study was conducted in 1996, by Listopadova NA and Bisvas Shutanto Kumar. The study examined whether PEMF therapy could stabilize visual function in patients suffering from glaucoma. (2)
An ATOS device was used in the study with a 33 mT magnetic field induction. In total, 33 patients participated in the study, and 43 eyes in all were treated. All of the patients suffered from open-angle glaucoma. The scientists used the intermittent operation mode with field rotation of 1-1.5 Hz by 6 radii. Each patient received ten 10-minute daily sessions of PEMF stimulation in the sitting posture.
The untreated eyes of the patients (n=15) were used as controls.
The patients were examined two times, before the treatment and 4-5 months after the treatment.
On average, visual acuity improved by 0.16 diopters in 96.7% of cases (29 out of 30 eyes) where acuity was below 1.0 prior to treatment. Visocontrastometry was done by using a Visokontrastometer-DT device.
The PEMF stimulation also improved the spatial contrast sensitivity by as much as 7 values of 12 levels in 84.6% of cases (22/26 eyes).
The sensitivity was unaffected in four eyes. Moreover, the visual field was tested with an automated Humphry analyzer.
The threshold test was 120 points. After PEMF stimulation, the deficit of visual field dropped by 10% in 72% of the cases (31/43 eyes).
It increased in three eyes and was unaffected in nine. On average, it decreased by 22.4%, compared to the initial measurement.
After 4-5 months, however, these changes were negligible. Thus, we can conclude that PEMF therapy is a powerful form of treatment of glaucoma. However, its stimulation needs to be performed on a regular, daily basis, as the effects do not last for a long time after the initial application.
Traditional forms of treatment for Glaucoma includes eyedrops, medication, and surgery. However, these are not always effective, and often lead to side effects. On the other hand, PEMF therapy as an alternative form of treatment has no side effects, and can be used by patients for prolonged periods and on a daily basis.
In relation to traditional treatments for this disease, PEMF therapy can successfully reduce the pressure on the optic nerve caused by glaucoma, and in that way prevent further damage to it. A summary of two prominent Russian studies are mentioned above, but there are many others to which you can refer, and we encourage you to do so.
Finally, PEMF therapy can be used on a daily basis to support the treatment and prevention of many other common health conditions, also without the risk of any side effects. The best results can be achieved if PEMF stimulation is administered on a daily basis. Getting a home PEMF device or Wave Mat is a great choice you can make for you and your family’s health.
Other Benefits of PEMF Therapy & Wave Mats
PEMF therapy works on the cellular level, so it has many other great health benefits not only for humans, but for both plants and animals.
Let’s explore some of the most common health conditions that you can treat with PEMF therapy and Wave Mats.
Bone Healing
PEMF therapy can support your efforts to stimulate bone healing. This effect of PEMF stimulation is especially important in the case of nonunion fractures, or fractures that do not heal in the predicted timespan. They sometimes require surgery in order to be repaired.
However, a study completed in Bangladesh in 1999 showed that surgery can be unnecessary. In most cases, PEMF therapy can lead to complete healing of nonunion fractures. This study lasted for 14 weeks, after which 11 out of 13 patients experienced complete bone healing. (3)
PEMF therapy is also a successful form of treatment for migraines. Numerous studies show that PEMF stimulation can reduce the frequency of migraine attacks, as well as lower their intensity. One study on this topic was conducted in 1999 in the United States that lasted for one month. It included patients who reported severe migraine attacks before PEMF stimulation. However, after the treatment, all patients reported significantly fewer migraine attacks with much milder symptoms. (4)
PEMF therapy can support your struggles with depression. A lot of people, unfortunately, do not find the cure for depression in antidepressants. Many of them also experience numerous side effects. That is why Danish scientists’ findings are important.
These showed that PEMF therapy can decrease the side effects of antidepressants, and at the same time increase the medications’ efficiency. PEMF therapy can also be used on its own as a treatment for depression. However, it should as a rule be used as a secondary form of treatment. (5)
Instead of taking strong and often harmful painkillers, scientists at the International Pain Research Institute discovered that PEMF therapy is another powerful way of addressing pain. They examined how PEMF stimulation would affect pelvic pain in women.
Their findings showed that PEMF therapy significantly reduced the amount of pain the subjects in the study experienced, and this treatment can be applied to other sources of pain, as well. (6)
PEMF is also a powerful way to deal with the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis. This is a progressive disease that affects the joints in the body and causes pain, swelling, and inflammation. Because it advances quickly, the treatment is life-long. A study completed in India in 1998 showed that PEMF stimulation could successfully reduce the symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis and control the disease. Therefore, PEMF is a new source of hope for patients of this debilitating disease which can severely affect overall quality of life. (7)
Poor Blood Flow
Poor blood flow can cause mild health problems such as cold extremities, numbness, tingling, and so on. However, it can also result in much more serious health problems, such as heart disease and stroke. Scientists at Wake Forest University conducted a study that proved that PEMF therapy causes vasodilatation in the treated area. After the PEMF stimulation in the study, the treated area received a much higher volume of blood, including more oxygen and nutrients. (8)
Nerve Damage
A study was conducted in 1993 at the Bio-electromagnetics Society on rats with induced sciatic nerve damage. The purpose of the study was to examine whether PEMF therapy could affect sciatic nerve damage, causing it to heal faster. The results of the study were quite encouraging. The outcome showed that the rats that were pre-treated with PEMF therapy showed much higher rates of nerve repair than those that did not receive any PEMF stimulation. (9)
( Orthopedic
( Bone Microstructure
( Arthroscopic surgery
( Osteochondral defects
( Osteoarthritis
( Knee Osteoarthritis
( Osteoarthritis
( Delayed union of tibial fractures
( Pain, stiffness and physical function
Additional information regarding research findings of PEMF therapy for various illnesses and diseases can be found on PubMed and websites.